Saturday, October 2, 2010

A bad tree ccannot bare good fruit, and a good tree cannot bare bad fruit for a tree is known by its fruit.  Likewise a good man brings forth good things, and an evil man brings forth evil.

Friday, October 1, 2010

"When you are all alone in solitude in your home and chair, you are really never alone, because God is always there.  When you feel empty and it's fulfillment you yearn, remember it is God you can always turn.”  - Diamond Intheruff. Be blessed.  Be good to yourself and each other.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Stone Soul Gathering
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Today is the day the Lord blessed the world with my presence and oh so many others. I thank Him for that. I thank Him for another opportunity to get it right this year and for my mistakes and my difficulties of last year. Now another year as gone by which mean I am a little closer to the end date. My mother always told me I was morbid LOL. However, that is okay. God is good all the time and will see me when He is ready. In the mean time, I will do my best to live according to His law and become a little wiser and more beautiful. (LOL). By the way, I am having a party on August 28 to celebrate my life and two others (my cousins Sean and Claudia). Join us in the fun. Have a blessed day and be good to yourself and  each others.

"All the days ordained for me were written in Your book
before one of them came to be."
(Psalm 139:16b, NIV)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I know I do not want to go to Hell. However, right now at this particular time, this moment, am I ready for heaven? Am I prepared to stand before God with all my sins and sinning ways? Is anyone really? I do know that he is preparing me for something right now in my life for that particular moment, something I cannot handle right now. He is making me ready. Thank you Lord for keeping me on your potter’ wheel of life. May I be worthy when the time does come, I pray. Amen.

While enjoying carefree days, we must not become careless about making ourselves ready for the kingdom of God, for no man know the hour or day of his or her time to be called home.

You’ll go forth a little stronger, With a fresh supply of grace,  If each day you meet the Savior 
In a secret, quiet place. —Adams

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
Proverbs 3:5

Many times, we try to understand or explain why God allow certain things to happen to us in our lives. Then I have to bring myself back to that Proverb. There is no way I am going to make it without his help. I do not have to understand because regardless of the question he always has the answer.  I know that there is God and that He is in total control but my human nature still asks why. No matter what, I am going to love God and I am going to need him. Therefore, I lean on him, his understanding of me, and what I need in my.

Mines are not to question why, but to obey and live.

Monday, August 16, 2010

You know hate is a very strong word. Many people have died for or using the words, “I hate”. People have been hated for many things such as, the color of their skin, their religion, and worst of all out of fear. Do not fear what we know nothing about. When the Lord walked the earth, he walked in love and understanding. He wants us to love one another regardless period; even our enemies. To be closer to and to try to walk our lives as God intends for us to, we must love one another as we love ourselves. If you do not love yourself, allow someone else to show you how and in that act alone, he or she will be following Gods law.

Lord, let me be a shining light In all I say and do, That Your great love displayed in me May lead someone to You. —Sper

Sometimes the best witness is love.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The "Stone Soul Panic" is today at Druid Hill Park . Remember there will be a lot of friends and  love ones out today. Treat each other the way you want to be treated. Respect each other (no matter what the situation and/or topic). Be mindful of the children. Show a prime example of what a family panic was as if it was back in the day. Great music, friends, and family. What more could you ask for. Be good to yourself and each other

pictures no me

The Stone Soul Picnic

Today the Stone Soul Panic kicks off. Remember there will be many friends; love ones, my sisters, and brothers out today. Treat each other the way you want to be treated. Respect each (no matter what the situation and/or topic). Be mindful of the children and show a prime example of what a family panic was as if it was back in the day. I am going to be there and plan to have a ball. Great music, friends, and family, what more could you ask for. Be good to yourself and each other.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sometimes we just need to say "Thank you Lord" for your sacrifice and for loving me so much. "Thank you God" for sending me a brother, a teacher, an everlasting companion, and a friend who also loves me unconditionally. Thank you Father for allowing me to be on your potter's wheel for I know you are still not finished with me. There is still something inside of me that you see worth redeeming.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We feel a lot of pain in our lifetime. There is a man who suffered unimaginable pain. He knew that it was only for a little while and the feeling he would have after his suffering would be everlasting. That is how we must feel towards the kingdom of God. "We will catch the broken thread again, And finish what we here began; Heaven will the mysteries explain, And then, ah, then, we’ll understand." - Courtney